Redis Virtual Memory

Redis Virtual Memory: the story and the code

Wednesday, 03 February 10
If you are reading this article probably you already know it: Redis is an in-memory DB. It's persistent, as it's disk backed, but disk is only used to persist, all the data is taken in the computer RAM.

I think the last few months showed that this was not a bad design decision. Redis proved to be very fast in real-world scenarios where there is to scale an unhealthy amount of writes, and it is supporting advanced features like Sorted Sets, and many other complex atomic operations, just because it is in memory, and single threaded. In other words, some of the features supported by Redis tend to be very complex to implement if there is to organize data on disk for fast access, and there are many concurrent threads accessing this data. The Redis design made this two problems a non issue, with the drawback of holding data in memory.

I really think to take data in memory is the way to go in many real world scenarios, as eventually your most accessed data must be in memory anyway to scale (think at the memcached farms many companies are running in this moment). But warning. I said most accessed. Too many datasets have something in common, they are accessed in a long tail fashion, that is, a little percentage of the dataset will get the majority of the queries (let's call it the hot spot). Still from time to time even data outside the hot spot is requested. With Redis we are forced (well, actually were forced) to take all the data in memory, and it's a huge waste as actually most of the times only our hot spot is stressed. So the logical question started to be more and more this: is there a way to free the memory used by rarely accessed data?

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